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Author reading

Today I travelled to the wonderful bookstore – Hunting Raven Books in Frome. I performed an author reading for the first of their Sunday readings. Such a brilliant time reading and speaking with my young audience!

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Author event in Nanjing, China

I had the pleasure to present The Heavy Bag to an audience in the beautiful children’s bookstore, Tales on Moon Lane, in China. I spoke about my author’s journey and my Chinese translator, Bella Zhang, performed a theatrical version of the Chinese adaptation to the audience.

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Library recommended status!

I started the week with the amazing news, that my current children’s book – The Heavy Bag – is to be published in french by children’s publisher Editions Prunelle and have ended the week with some equally exciting news from Denmark!

My Danish publisher has informed me that – Den Tunge Rygsæk 🇩🇰🇩🇰 Straarup og Co has been given the ‘lektørudtalelse’ title which means it will be recommended by libraries to schools and families across Denmark


“A really nice picture book about the heavy feelings you can have when you lose a close family member, such as a grandfather. The book is full of expressive illustrations, and especially the large backpack and the whole metaphor around it makes an impression. Will be good as reading aloud for large kindergarten children or school children in the smallest classes, who have just lost one of their grandparents. The book can provide an entrance to talk about the difficult”

I am so incredibly proud and happy that the book is being recommended because it means it will reach as many children as possible!

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Book Prunelle – French deal

I am very happy to announce that a French version of my children’s book The Heavy Bag will soon be published by Éditions Prunelle

The Heavy Bag will be published in France this year by Book Prunelle. I am so beyond happy to see my book translated into French as I have lived and worked in France so this feels extra special!

Je suis très heureuse de vous annoncer qu’une version française de mon livre pour enfants The Heavy Bag sera bientôt publiée aux Éditions Prunelle

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miniSTORY interview

The Heavy Bag cover

On the 7th of December, I was invited by my Romanian publisher, Curtea Veche to take part in a very special LIVE author interview. Run by Carturesti named the most beautiful bookstore in the world. I, alongside many other authors, were interviewed by child readers.

I had the most wonderful time as my interviewer had really studied – The Heavy Bag in its Romanian translation – Ghiodanul Cel Greu and although everything was completely LIVE, we managed to spend an hour in deep conversation about how I came to write The Heavy Bag.

Watch the video interview here

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Antwerp Bookfair

The Dutch version of my book – The Heavy Bag – was featured at the Antwerp Bookfair this year!

On the 7th of November, my Dutch publisher; Van Driel Publishing took – De Zware Rugzak to the Lees! het boeken festival in Antwerp.

Such a wonderful event that lasts for a week. However, unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions in place at that time, I was unable to attend … BUT 2022 is a new year and I’m feeling positive to attend this amazing author event. See you there!

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Copenhagen Bookfair

Copenhagen Bookfair (Bogforum) celebrated its 30th year anniversary on the weekend of the 7th of November and I was there – well in spirit and book anyway!

Den tunge rygsaek

My Danish publisher Straarup og Co took the Danish version of – The Heavy Bag – and presented Den Tunge Rygsaek to the Danish audience and literary enthusiasts.

I’m so grateful to receive films and photos of the event as it unfolded and some very lovely fellow authors kept in touch to let me know how it was going – how we have all managed to work our way around this pandemic is amazing!

Thank you to the author community.