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Leben und Tod Festival

The Heavy Bag - Cover Page

Leben und Tod (Life & Death Festival) featured my interview with them as a guest author. I wasn’t sure how this German festival would play out but I have to tell you … it was beautiful! The creative community came together and offered their stories, books, drama and art; to a huge audience across Germany! We had one aim, to open up the conversation about Death which ultimately made people consider Life.

I was approached by the founder Meike Wengler to discuss the German version of – The Heavy Bag and how my children’s book is being used across Germany in collaboration with UNICEF and within hospices, charities and grundschuls.

I was honoured to interview live for them and discuss my thoughts surrounding the theme of my book – Die Schwere Tasche.

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Unicef Berlin Workshop

This was an amazing author event. I and part of the UNICEF Berlin team participated in a workshop during the height of the pandemic, at the Berlin Cosmopolitan School.

The workshop was performed virtually and was conducted to a class of 25 children, ages ranging from 5-8. The Heavy Bag had been studied beforehand by the teacher and class and then with the help of UNICEF’s child play therapist, we elicited responses from the children about how they understood the book and what grief means to them.

Watch the presentation of the book by clicking the below link: